Drawing from their broad knowledge, Alpha therapists design thoughtful treatment plans to support each client’s unique strengths and needs.

With over 20 years combined experience in providing clinical treatment to individuals dealing with emotional and behavioral problems.

All Alpha assessment instruments, interventions, and treatment methods are peer reviews, empirically tested, and evidence-based.

About Us
Alpha Counseling & Treatment is the largest and most respected provider of forensic clinical psychotherapy for justice-involved clients in the State of Utah. Alpha Counseling specializes in providing Evidence-Based Practices to individuals afflicted with a Substance Use Disorder, or those who have committed a sex crime.
Alpha Counseling is composed of a group of clinical professionals dedicated to the effective treatment of our clients. Our clinical style focuses on exploring and resolving client ambivalence regarding their problems, and centers on motivational processes within the individual that facilitate change. Alpha Counseling takes pride in practicing only interventions proven to be effective at helping our clients navigate their way out of the criminal justice system, and never come back. The foundation of our clinical programming is based on the Risk-Need-Responsivity model for treating justice involved clients.
Risk Principle
This aspect involves assessing the level of risk an individual poses for reoffending. Risk assessment tools are used to evaluate factors such as criminal history, age at first offense, employment status, and substance abuse history. Individuals are categorized into different risk levels, such as low, moderate, or high risk.
Responsivity Principle
Responsivity refers to the principle that interventions should be tailored to the individual’s learning style, motivation, and abilities. Effective interventions are those that are responsive to the individual’s characteristics and needs. This may involve using cognitive-behavioral techniques, motivational interviewing, or other evidence-based practices that are suitable for the individual’s level of cognitive functioning, language proficiency, cultural background, and personal preferences.
Need Principle
The “need” component of the RNR model focuses on identifying and prioritizing criminogenic needs – factors that are directly related to an individual’s likelihood of reoffending. Criminogenic needs commonly include issues such as substance abuse, criminal attitudes, lack of education or employment, antisocial peers, and poor problem-solving skills. These needs are targeted for intervention to reduce the risk of future criminal behavior.
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